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Quality Control System and Certificates

Квалитет систем за управување со

Jinwang е посветен на континуирано подобрување и оптимизација на сите сопствени производствени способности од прототип до производство и соодветните процеси за контрола на квалитетот, вклучително и CNC обработка, брзо изработка на прототипови и брзо алатирање.
Ние строго го следиме системот за управување со квалитет сертифициран со ISO 9001, заснован на серија стандардизирани производствени процедури и упатства за работа, и користиме напредна опрема за тестирање за мерење и проверка на секој чекор од производството за да се осигураме дека вашите проекти ги исполнуваат строгите спецификации за квалитет.
Quality management systems are essential for machine shops. They help to ensure that products meet customer requirements and that the production process is efficient and effective. Quality management systems can be used to assess supplier performance, track product quality, and control production. A quality management system, machine shops can improve product quality and customer satisfaction while reducing costs.
Our Quality Policy Commitment to continuous improvement

Our Quality Policy: Commitment to continuous improvement

At its core, Our Quality Policy is a commitment to continuous improvement. It is a set of values and principles that guide us in our quest to be the best we can be.
We are constantly striving to improve our products and services. We listen to our customers and learn from their feedback. We also benchmark ourselves against the best in the industry and learn from their example.
Our Quality Policy is more than just a set of ideals; it is a way of doing business. It is the foundation upon which we build our relationships with our customers, employees, suppliers and partners.

Имплементација на политика за квалитет

We are committed to providing products and services that meet or exceed our customer’s expectations. We continually strive to improve the quality of our products and services through a process of continual review and improvement. Our aim is to provide products and services that are fit for purpose, value for money and meet the requirements of relevant statutory bodies.
In order to achieve this, we have implemented a quality management system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. This provides a framework for setting quality objectives and targets, measuring and improving performance. Our commitment to continuous improvement will ensure that we maintain our position as a leading provider of quality products and services.
Имплементација на политика за квалитет

Measuring Instruments & Equipment

Mitutoyo CMM

Mitutoyo CMM

Hexagon CMM

Hexagon CMM

Роквелска скала (HRC)

Роквелска скала (HRC)

Инструменти за мерење на брзини

Инструменти за мерење на брзини

Системи со ролери за запчаници на страни

Системи со ролери за запчаници на страни

Vickers hardness (HV)

Vickers hardness (HV)



Тестер на грубост

Тестер на грубост

Material Analyzer

Material Analyzer

Caliper & Micrometer

Caliper & Micrometer